6. Ken's involvement with local churches

Pam Wall

St Edmunds Church, Bourne Hill

On Sundays Ken went to church, usually St Edmunds but he did sample others too:

“I can remember Ernie introducing me to the Spiritualist people and I did go to one or two of their little services sometimes. But I always got invited, I don’t know why, to their Christmas party, which was to a little place up Castle Street. It was very nice! They were a lovely people! I never really understood at all and I still don’t understand what they go on about. It was mystifying that was.

We used to go to the Methodists sometimes, ‘cos they had on a Tuesday night table tennis in their hall there so we could go and play table tennis. So we used to do the rounds a bit, but St. Edmund’s was our church, was our main hub .. ‘cos that had a great social activity things going on in the Hale Hall and so we were up the church a lot”.

You can find out more about St Edmunds Church here.

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